Are you having trouble with animals in or near your home or garden?
Living with wildlife can sometimes pose problems or cause concerns. We do not have experience with pest management or wildlife control, including controlling slugs, trapping woodchucks, or deterring coyotes. Please do not send us questions on these issues, we cannot answer them!
Below we have compiled a set of links and resources that will help you find the answers to your questions. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of information on these sites, but we have chosen sites for the quality of the information they contain.
We have also put together a set of pages designed to address issues around animals that we often receive questions about, these are: Bats, Bears, Coyotes, Fishers, Foxes, Squirrels and Woodchucks
Wildlife Control and Pest Management Links:
This program maintains fact pages on their site as well as a nationwide directory of local cooperative extension services so that you can find someone in your area with the information you desire.
This page maintains links to a number of pages on pest management issues, especially garden and home pests.
Arachnology - Pest control and tips on avoiding bites and stings.
Wildlife Management Services & Suggestions, City of Toronto