Sander vitreus
The name walleye refers to the glassy, large pupils of this fish; light reflects from the back of their eyes, giving them a white, staring look. This eye-shine allows the fish to see extraordinarily well in darker waters. Both males and females look the same. Walleyes are long and slim; brownish-green or silver above to creamy white below with dark stripes. The lower lobe of the tail fin is white on the edge. Walleyes have huge mouths with long, pointed teeth. They have two dorsal fins on their back, with a large, noticable black spot at the bottom of the first fin.
Walleye are native to the Nearctic Region. Walleye are abundant in many lakes and larger rivers over much of North America, from the Northwest Territories across Canada east of the Rocky Mountains to Labrador, southward along the Atlantic Coast to North Carolina, west to Arkansas, and north along the Missouri River. (Froese and Pauly, eds., 2002; Phillips, et al., 1982; Tomerelli, 1990)
The walleye lives its entire life in water. They prefer to live in deep lakes and rivers up to 27 meters deep, but will swim into shallow flats to feed during early evening and night. They like clear water and are only rarely found in brackish water.
In southern areas, walleye may live 10 to 12 years but in northern waters they may live to be more than 20 years old
Walleye are strictly carnivorous, only eating animals. Young walleye eat microscopic organisms that drift in the water called zooplankton. As they get older, they mostly eat other fishes such as yellow perch and freshwater drum. Walleye also eat aquatic insects, crayfish, snails, and mudpuppies (a kind of salamander). They even eat small mammals when fish and insects are not available. Feeding occurs at night.
Adult walleye are top predators, which means that they do not have any natural predators in their habitat except humans. Humans do catch and eat adult walleye. The eggs and young fish are susceptible to predation by other fish such as white bass, muskellunge, white perch, largemouth bass, northern pike, and catfish. Young walleye avoid predation by staying near cover.
Walleye are top predators. Once they reach adulthood, they primarily eat other animals and are not themselves eaten (except by people). They compete for food with other fish that are predators, including smallmouth bass and white perch.
The walleye supports a large fishing industry, particularly in the Central U.S. and Great Lakes area. Since the walleye is a native predator, it has also been used in conservation efforts to help control populations of other animals.
Overall, walleye are not threatened or endangered. Populations of walleye are managed by humans as a game fish. One subspecies, Sander vitreus (blue pike) is believed to have gone extinct recently.
The walleye is the state fish of Minnesota and by far the most popular fish in that state.
Tanya Dewey (editor), Animal Diversity Web.
Robin Street (author), University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.
Froese, R., D. Pauly, eds.. 2002. "Fishbase" (On-line). Accessed March 23, 2002 at
Galarowicz, T., D. Wahl, B. Herendeen. 1999. "Illinois Natural History Survey:Development of an Individual-based Model to Evaluate Growth and Survival of Walleye" (On-line). Accessed 2 April 2002 at
Lake Erie Walleye Magazine, 2001. "The walleye fact file" (On-line). Accessed 2 April 2002 at
Ontario Fishing Network, Date unknown. "Lake Nipissing Walleye Fishing Biology and Life Cycle" (On-line). Accessed 2 April 2002 at
Phillips, , Schmid, Underhill. 1982. Fishes of the Minnesota Region. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Tomerelli, J. 1990. Fishes of the Central United States. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.