Plestiodon laticeps
The bodies of young broad-headed skinks range from brown to black and have five to seven white or light orange stripes on their back. The tail is vibrant blue. If a juvenile is attacked, the bright blue tail breaks away and wiggles to distract the predator. As adults, males are more uniformly colored and don't have stripes. Their heads become orange to red and increase in size during mating season. Broad-headed skinks are the second largest skink species, males are larger than females, reaching a maximum of 324 millimeters. Adult females keep some of their striped patterns as adults, but lack blue on their tails. Five-lined skinks are often confused with female and young broad-headed skinks because of their blue tails.
Broad-headed skinks can be found in central and eastern parts of the United States, ranging from Pennsylvania to Florida and Indiana to Texas. (Roots, 2006; Smith, 1995)
Broad-headed skinks live in trees and prefer open forest habitats. However, they are also found hunting, mating, and nesting on the ground. Areas with thick leaf litter are preferred for nesting.
Broad-headed skinks hatch from eggs and look like small versions of their parents.
Female broad-headed skinks release chemical cues, or pheromones, during the breeding season. Males follow the female's scent trails. Females prefer to mate with larger males with the most brightly-colored orange heads.
Broad-headed skinks breed once each year in late spring. Females lay 8 to 13 eggs in their nest, which is in leaf litter or a decaying tree. The eggs weigh less than a gram each. The female will remain with the eggs for 3 to 8 weeks until they hatch, only leaving to feed. Newly hatched skinks venture out of the nest within a few days. They become adults when they reach a total length of 75 mm.
Females guard their egg clutches until they hatch, but leave soon after that. Males don't help care for the young.
The lifespan of broad-headed skinks in the wild is unknown. Related kinds of skinks live an average of four years in the wild. One report suggests that broad-headed skinks can live at least eight years in captivity.
Broad-headed skinks are active during the day and are usually found on their own, only coming together to mate. Males are territorial during breeding season and chase away smaller males. Broad-headed skinks are found mainly in the trees, but often nest and hunt on the ground. These skinks hibernate from October to March in northern regions of their range.
No published information is available regarding home range or territory sizes in broad-headed skinks.
Little is known about how broad-headed skinks communicate, although it is known that they can visually distinguish between sexes and can also detect the scent of pheromones.
Broad-headed skinks eat many kinds of insects, spiders, snails, small rodents, and smaller reptiles, including young skinks. Broad-headed skinks search for food in trees and on the the ground using visual and scent signals, which are detected via tongue flicking.
Broad-headed skinks are preyed on by birds, larger reptiles, and some mammals, including domestic cats. Like most skinks, broad-headed skinks have tails that break away when grabbed by a predator. The tail continues to wiggle and distracts the predator while the skink makes its escape, often climbing into a surrounding tree or under leaf debris. The tail eventually re-grows.
Broad-headed skinks are a food source for their predators and they help control insect populations by preying on them.
Broad-headed skinks have no known negative impact on humans.
Broad-headed skinks are often taken from the wild and placed into the pet trade. (Bartlett, et al., 2001)
Broad-headed skink populations are stable and they are not considered a conservation risk.
Brandy Quesenberry (author), Radford University, Karen Powers (editor), Radford University, Kiersten Newtoff (editor), Radford University, Melissa Whistleman (editor), Radford University, Jeremy Wright (editor), University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.
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