The body of Anthrax albofasciatus is dark in color, with some lighter colored hairs or scales on the sides and end of the body. It is 3.5 to 8.1 mm in length, with a wingspan of 8 to 18 mm. The wings are mostly clear but have spots in three main groups at the base. Their wings make a flat triangle shape when they are sitting. (Kits, et al., 2008; Marston, 1963; Marston, 1964)
Anthrax albofasciatus, a species of bee fly, can be found from Ontario in the Nearctic region south through Brazil in the Neotropical region. (Kits, et al., 2008)
Anthrax albofasciatus lives in open, dry, and sandy habitats and openings in forests. These habitats also have many different wasps species as well. Larvae of these bee flies are parasites on the wasps, and need the wasps to continue their life cycle. (Kits, et al., 2008; Marston, 1963; Marston, 1964)
Anthrax albofasciatus undergoes complete metamorphosis, meaning that it has the life stages of egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Bee fly larvae are parasites, and survive by feeding on wasps. Adults will lay their eggs on or near a wasp nest. The eggs hatch, and the first stage (called an instar) larvae crawl around until they find a nearby wasp. They attach to the body of the wasp and start feeding. When the wasps they are feeding on spin cocoons inside their nests, the larvae molt to the second and then third instar stage, where they become less active. They also puncture the outside of the wasp to feed on the fluids inside the body and eventually eat the whole wasp. When the larvae has reach its last larval stage, it goes into hibernation for the winter. The next spring, it becomes a pupae, and then emerges as an adult in the late spring and early summer. (Marston, 1964; Yeates and Greathead, 1997)
Anthrax albofasciatus mates in the spring and summer. Both the males and females likely mate many times with many different mates throughout their lives. Not much else is known about their mating habits. (Gerling and Hermann, 1976)
Anthrax albofasciatus mates and lays eggs during the spring and summer. A single female can lay up to 2000 eggs, and they lay the eggs in many different wasp nests. Once they hatch, the larvae are parasites on the wasps. (Gerling and Hermann, 1976; Marston, 1964)
Females of Anthrax albofasciatus will mate then lay eggs near or in the nest of a wasp. This provides food for the larvae when they hatch, since they eat the wasps. Females also put nutrients in the eggs that the larvae will use to grow before they hatch. After the eggs are laid, the females do not return to give any parental care. (Gerling and Hermann, 1976; Marston, 1964)
Adults likely live for a few weeks during the summer after emerging from pupation. (Marston, 1964)
Adults of Anthrax albofasciatus are bee flies that spend their time alone, meeting with others only to mate. They are active during the day. Larvae are parasites of wasps. (Marston, 1964; Marston, 1970)
There is little information about this, but it is likely that these bee flies use sight, touch, and detect chemicals to communicate with other bee flies, as well as gather information about the environment around them.
Larvae are parasites that feed on the bodies of wasps. These wasps are typically species that nest in the sand, such as Tachysphex terminatus. Adults likely feed on nectar from flowers, but this is not known for sure. (Marston, 1963; Marston, 1964; Marston, 1970)
It is not known what other animals prey on Anthrax albofasciatus.
The main effect of this bee fly species on the ecosystem is that the larvae are parasites of wasp species. The bee flies kill the wasps, and in large numbers, the bee flies could significantly shrink the wasp population. The adults may pollinate flowers, since it is thought they drink the nectar, but researchers are not sure. (Gerling and Hermann, 1976; Marston, 1963; Marston, 1964; Marston, 1970)
Anthrax albofasciatus does not cause any problems for humans.
Anthrax albofasciatus does not have any positive effects on humans.
Anthrax albofasciatus is not an endangered species.
Liane Racelis (author), University of Michigan Biological Station, Brian Scholtens (editor), University of Michigan Biological Station, Angela Miner (editor), Animal Diversity Web Staff.
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