Ambloplites rupestris
Similar to other sunfish, rock bass have five to seven spines on their anal fin along with nine to eleven soft anal rays. Rock bass also have spines on their much larger dorsal fin, with 10 to 13 spines and 11 to 13 soft dorsal rays. Rock bass have dark spots on each scale aligned in rows around the lateral line, continuing down towards their belly. Starting with their back, rock bass are dark green or brownish, fading to a lighter green, and slowly fading to whitish green or yellow towards their belly. Their fins have a yellowish brown tint, with a black spot on the tip of the gill plate. They are fairly small, averaging about 20 to 25 cm long and very rarely reach one kilogram, although the largest recorded rock bass was 3 kg. Rock bass have large mouths and bright red eyes, which give them the nickname “redeyes.” (Kottelat and Freyhof, 2007; Page and Burr, 1991)
Rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris) are found throughout North America. They are native to the North Atlantic region of the United States and the St. Lawrence, Great Lakes, Hudson Bay, and Mississippi River drainages, as well as northern to southern Georgia and northern Alabama and Missouri. Rock bass thrive in areas of the east-central part of the United States. Although they are native to these areas, many introductions have been made. From 1889 to 1936, the United States Fish Commission introduced rock bass to Atlantic drainages and some western states. Rock bass were introduced to areas of the Atlantic drainages, from New Hampshire, south to the Roanoke River in Virginia and North Carolina. As for the western states, rock bass have made it to states such as California, Washington, Colorado, and even Wyoming. Rock bass have also been introduced in other regions. In Europe, rock bass were introduced in countries such as England and France in the 1880’s. (Kottelat and Freyhof, 2007; Page and Burr, 1991)
Rock bass are found in freshwater areas in rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds. These areas often have many aquatic plants to help them hide from predators. They thrive in areas with temperatures ranging from 10 to 29 degrees Celsius. Rock bass are most commonly found in rocky or sandy areas with clear water. Rock bass introduced to Europe have similar habitats, but avoid areas of fast moving water. (Kottelat and Freyhof, 2007; Page and Burr, 1991)
Three to four days after spawning, the eggs begin to hatch. At hatching, rock bass larvae are about 5.5 mm. By about 6.9 mm, the larvae begin to develop caudal fin rays, and dorsal, anal, and pectoral fin rays at about 8.6 mm in length. Finally, pelvic fin rays begin to develop at about 13.5 mm in length. By the first year, young rock bass grow to about 5 cm in length, reaching 10 cm by year two, and up to 18 cm by year three. (Buynak and Mohr Jr, 1979)
Both females and males have multiple mates during the breeding season. Rock bass spawn in the spring, but they sometimes spawn again in the early summer with another mate. When attracting a mate, male rock bass find an area and build a nest. Circling inside the new nest, the male awaits a mate. Without courtship displays, the female enters the nest and joins the male in his circular behavior. Both the female and male release their sperm and eggs into the nest. After releasing eggs, the female's role is over and she is able to leave the nest and mate with another male, but she sometimes stays near the exit of the nest. Male rock bass guard and protect the nest using circling behavior until the eggs hatch. (Buynak and Mohr Jr, 1979; Gross and Nowell, 1980)
Similar to the spawning cycle of smallmouth bass, rock bass spawn in shallow water areas. The spawning cycle of rock bass occurs in the spring and into the summer months of June, as the water temperature reaches between 13 to 15 degrees Celsius. Rock bass are ready to breed at about 2 to 3 years of age. Male rock bass prepare the nest for spawning. Their nests are circular bowl-shaped depressions, approximately 20 to 30 cm in diameter. Using their tail, male rock bass are able to clear areas of debris to produce their nest. Without male courtship, females enter the newly-made nest and spawn, releasing approximately 500 to 5,000 eggs depending on the female's size. After the eggs are fertilized, they are guarded by male rock bass inside the nest. While guarding the eggs, males become a darker color and continue their circling behavior, which helps protect the eggs from predators. The eggs begin to hatch 3 to 4 days after spawning and the young leave the nest about 9 to 10 days after hatching. Approximately 33% of rock bass nests are unsuccessful due to predation. (Gross and Nowell, 1980)
Male rock bass care for the eggs by fanning the nest with their pectoral fins and guarding and protecting the nest by using circling behaviors after spawning with the female. These behaviors continue for several days, protecting the offspring from predators. After females lay eggs in the nest, their parental effort is complete. (Buynak and Mohr Jr, 1979; Gross and Nowell, 1980)
Rock bass have an average lifespan of about 5 to 8 years in the wild. This average is obviously influenced by the level of predation and food supply in the environment. It has been reported that the maximum lifespan of a rock bass in captivity was 18 years. (Patnaik et al., 1994)
During spawning, male rock bass do not eat. Male rock bass guard the nest of the newly spawned eggs. This nest becomes their home range, spanning between 20 and 30 cm in diameter. To protect the nest from predators, they perform circling behaviors. Males are very aggressive during spawning season. When faced with an intruder, they race towards it with spread gill flaps or display an open mouth. In the winter months, rock bass can be found in schools and slowly go their separate ways as spring approaches for spawning activity. (Gross and Nowell, 1980)
Besides the nest territory that males defend, no other home ranges have been reported. (Gross and Nowell, 1980)
Fish use chemical signals to communicate and perceive their environment. Such chemical signals are used for locating prey, identifying opposite sexes, identifying other species, identifying predation threats and how to avoid them, recognizing their young, signaling for migration, and even identifying where they are in their habitat. Rock bass also use their sense of touch by using their large, bass-like mouths. These fish also use their large eyes, or “goggle eyes,” which is another one of their common nicknames. (Ross, 2013)
Rock bass have a varied diet which includes the plants found in their habitat. Rock bass also prey on small crustaceans like crayfish, insects such as small larvae, and smaller fish, including smaller individuals of their own species. (Kottelat and Freyhof, 2007; Page and Burr, 1991)
Predators of rock bass include of other, larger adult rock bass, northern pike, muskies, walleyes, largemouth bass, and even humans. These predators prey on adult and young rock bass. To avoid these predators, rock bass depend on their coloration, which helps them stay camouflaged in their environment. (Angermeirer, 1992)
Rock bass feed on insects, aquatic crustaceans, and smaller fish. As a result, they help keep the population sizes of their prey in check. Rock bass may also host parasites including anchorworms, which embed into the skin of the fish and damage and shorten the lifespan of rock bass. (Causey, 1957; Kottelat and Freyhof, 2007; Page and Burr, 1991)
Environmental impacts may result from sport fishing for rock bass and other species. For example, pollution from boats, such as oil and gas leaks, as well as littering by sportsman can be expensive due to efforts to clean up after them. (Dayton, et al., 1995)
Rock bass, along with other bass species, such as smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, and spotted bass, are all sport fish. With tournaments and even recreational events, bass fishing has become a multi-billion dollar industry. For example, 33 million people of age 16 and older engage in the activity of fishing and spend 48 billion dollars a year to do so. These sportsmen spend this money on fishing guides and services, equipment, apparel, licenses, restaurants, gas, boats, and more. Fishing also supports 828,000 jobs in the United States; many of these jobs involve fishing for species such as rock bass. (Schramm Jr., et al., 1991)
Introduced into many drainages in the United States, rock bass have flourished in their environments. Rock bass are successfully surviving in their environments and are listed as a species of "least concern" on the IUCN red list. Rock bass do not require any special monitoring or conservation management plans because of their population stability. However, as a sport fish, they are managed to some extent. (NatureServe, 2013)
Brendan Schnell (author), Radford University, Karen Powers (editor), Radford University, Leila Siciliano Martina (editor), Animal Diversity Web Staff.
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Gerber, G., J. Haynes. 1988. Movements and behavior of smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu, and rock bass, Ambloplites rupestris, in southcentral Lake Ontario and two tributaries. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 4/4: 425-440.
Gross, M., W. Nowell. 1980. The reproductive biology of rock bass, Ambloplites rupestris (Centrarchidae), in Lake Opinicon, Ontario. Copeia, 1980/3: 482-494.
Kottelat, M., J. Freyhof. 2007. Handbook of European Freshwater Fishes. Switzerland: Kottelat, Cornol.
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